WOD 2025_Volunteers Are Stars_Flyer



The 2025 Women of Distinction luncheon will be a can't-miss event! We look forward to honoring the amazing women in our community who contribute their time, talents and treasures to local non-profit organizations.

Montgomery County Women's Council of Organizations (MCWCO) serves the Montgomery County community by providing nonprofits a forum to network within this community and honor a volunteer from its organization at our annual Women of Distinction luncheon.

Information About the Organization & Women of Distinction

Montgomery County Women's Council of Organizations (MCWCO) serves nonprofit organizations by providing a forum for agencies to network and update each other regarding services and resources.

Each year, the organizations choose one volunteer to honor as their "Woman of Distinction". She is recognized for the numerous hours, unyielding commitment, and loyal dedication she has provided to her organization. 

Memberships are renewed annually.

Nonprofit agencies provide services, goods, and resources that are needed by many in Montgomery County. There isn't a nonprofit that can create significant change without the dedication of its many volunteers, and MCWCO is proud to provide an opportunity for these organizations to honor its special volunteer in a very dynamic way.

Photos from the  2024  Women of Distinction  Luncheon